Here are 45 –IR VERBS you should know.
abrir to open
admitir to admit, to acknowledge
assistir [a] to watch, to attend
cair to fall, to drop
cobrir to cover
conduzir to drive
conseguir to get, to manage, to be able to, to achieve
construir to build
decidir to decide
definir to define
descobrir to discover, to find out; to uncover
destruir to destroy
diminuir to decrease
discutir (falar) to discuss; (brigar) to argue
distrair (perder a atenção) to distract; (divertir) to amuse, to entertain
dividir to divide
dormir to sleep
existir to exist
fugir [de] to flee, to run away
imprimir to print
incluir to include
ir to go
medir to measure
ouvir to hear
partir to leave, to depart; to break, to crack
pedir to ask for, to request
pedir emprestado to borrow
preferir to prefer
produzir to produce; to manufacture
reagir to react
reduzir to reduce
referir to refer
repetir to repeat
reunir to gather, to bring together, to reunite
rir [rir-se] to laugh
sair to go out; to leave
seguir to follow
sentir to feel
servir [para] to be used for
sorrir to smile
subir to climb; to go up
substituir to substitute
surgir (aparecer) to appear, to show up
vir to come
vir buscar to come to pick up, to come for
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Very helpful! Quick and concise so easy to digest